Health & Safety

Safety is FSI’s core value. We hold the health, safety and wellbeing of our workforce as the highest priority. We are focused on our people – Thinking Safe, Working Safe, and going Home Safe.

Employee safety is and always will be our first priority.  We are committed to providing a workplace that is free from harm.  This commitment extends beyond compliance with laws and encompasses a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating any potential hazards.

At FSI we believe it is important to start everything we do with consideration for our safety and well-being, conducting risk assessments and providing solutions. We work vigorously with our teams to ensure everyone has the tools and understanding to do their job safely. We genuinely care about our employees physical and emotional well-being.

We understand and listen to our people, and value what they bring to our business.

We act responsibly with transparency, trust and integrity.  We uphold a culture of accountability and transparency when it comes to safety.  We encourage reporting of safety incidents, near misses, or potential hazards without fear of reprisal.  By fostering a transparent reporting culture, we can promptly investigate incidents, learn from them, and implement corrective actions to prevent future occurrences.

We are dedicated to eliminating all risks to health and safety or, where elimination is not reasonably practicable, reducing the risks to an acceptable level.

We believe in the continuous improvement of safety practices and procedures.  We are committed to regularly reviewing and updating our safety protocols to align with industry best practices and evolving standards.  We encourage open communication and feedback from employees to identify areas for improvement and promptly address any safety concerns. Through ongoing training, education, and the integration of innovative safety technologies, we aim to create a dynamic and adaptive safety culture that evolves with the changing needs of our business and the expectations of our workforce.

We demonstrate our safety values by:
• Empowering our employees to have their say.
• Consulting with our employees on matters which impact their workplace.
• Providing a safe and secure workplace.
• Communicating relevant information to all those impacted by our business.
• Providing consistent and effective leadership.
• Acting responsibly with transparency, trust, and integrity.
• Complying with relevant legislation, regulations, codes and standards.
• Reviewing our processes and systems to ensure continuous improvement.

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